On the 2nd day Popo left us, after the service Cousin Long and I were teasing Feris.
Long: I'll take Ning out for shopping instead of you.
Chery: *pokes tongue at Feris*
Feris: *starts wailing*
Long: But... no money wo...
Chery: Haiyo, the 'in' thing now is window shopping la~
Long: Yea gah? Ok lo..... Eh? Have to get you a watch wei!
Chery: Huh? Why?
Long: You got 9As ma.
Chery: Wah, Long gor you so good. Thank you!! Rolex ya~
Long: *sweat* no money la...
Chery: Erm... Petaling Street got cheap one.
Long: Oh. Ok. Haha call me when you're free I bring you buy Rolex.
After I got RM 200 from SMKTC, I saw this at home.
I admit I was crazy about it when I first started reading 'Twilight', as with Cindy. Then after I finished 'Breaking Dawn', the whole insanity just faded away.
Then the young adults fiction market is INFESTED with vampire-human romance. The thing is, vampire-human romance in fiction is not a new thing, it was there since the 1970s. Why weren't they heard of? They're just not as lucky as Meyer who targetted the right crowd.

Went to Malacca (however you spell it) on Labour Day. And omg I met Octo there!!! Of all places, since parting at KLIA that fateful day, I met her again for the first time outside KL.
Lol. And both of us are living and studying in KL. She in HELP and I in MCKL. So jakun.
Oh and I met Chris in the hotel lobby whilst waiting for daddy to drive the car there. Gosh... why is the whole world in Malacca?
That's because his dog was retarded, the kancil wasn't smart.
By the way...
DO NOT EAT KRISPY KREME. I repeat, DO NOT EAT. Sweet like hell, damn expensive. I prefer Big Apple. Anyway it makes no difference 'cause I'm tired of doughnuts.
Sam was the lucky model he selected. He applied cleanser, toner and moisturiser on Sam's hand till you see 1 black fist and 1 one white fist.
By the bye, skincare is a unisex thing. Having oily and pimple-infested face does not make you macho. Seriously, no hetero girl or homo guy likes a guy who does not wash his face.
Chieh, Caryn and I bought some Krispy fuckingly-sweet Kreme doughnuts.
Deidre brought Beryl's chocolates.
It was a farewell party for Ms. Mel, on our last class together. *sob* Gonna miss her.
And... on Tuesday... in Kinokuniya...

P/S: Parent-lecturer day, daddy couldn't come. So, I'm still alive. =D
1 comment:
citizen very good leh.. of coz not like the overated rolex lar.. i have been using my solar powered citizen for few years ady. severe scratch marks on the glass (coz i rough mar..) but watch still functioning well.
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