Tuesday, May 5

Indian Summer in the Middle of Winter

Where do I begin?

On the 2nd day Popo left us, after the service Cousin Long and I were teasing Feris.

Long: I'll take Ning out for shopping instead of you.
Chery: *pokes tongue at Feris*
Feris: *starts wailing*

Chery: Seriously aa... bring me shopping.
Long: But... no money wo...
Chery: Haiyo, the 'in' thing now is window shopping la~
Long: Yea gah? Ok lo..... Eh? Have to get you a watch wei!
Chery: Huh? Why?
Long: You got 9As ma.
Chery: Wah, Long gor you so good. Thank you!! Rolex ya~
Long: *sweat* no money la...
Chery: Erm... Petaling Street got cheap one.
Long: Oh. Ok. Haha call me when you're free I bring you buy Rolex.

After I got RM 200 from SMKTC, I saw this at home.

I may not be familiar with the brand but I think it's good.

Not a conoisseur of watches... but I know this is expensive. Thank you, Long gor, I know you sayang me a lot ^^

Went to MidValley with Caryn last Tuesday, 3.5 hours of free time spent in MPH looking for books and looking for food outside MPH.

What's with the Twilight mania?

I admit I was crazy about it when I first started reading 'Twilight', as with Cindy. Then after I finished 'Breaking Dawn', the whole insanity just faded away.

Then the young adults fiction market is INFESTED with vampire-human romance. The thing is, vampire-human romance in fiction is not a new thing, it was there since the 1970s. Why weren't they heard of? They're just not as lucky as Meyer who targetted the right crowd.

By the way, I just had to buy this book. It's by a Swedish (I think) author, hence the name. Recently converted Adeline into an Artemis Fowl fan, just like how I converted Cindy to loving Edward Cullen.

Went to Malacca (however you spell it) on Labour Day. And omg I met Octo there!!! Of all places, since parting at KLIA that fateful day, I met her again for the first time outside KL.

Lol. And both of us are living and studying in KL. She in HELP and I in MCKL. So jakun.

In Mahkota Hotel, damn sien. Read the Chinese novel Damien bought, '十月' by 许友彬. Damn nice, albeit a little childish.

Wee~~ satay celup.

Oh and I met Chris in the hotel lobby whilst waiting for daddy to drive the car there. Gosh... why is the whole world in Malacca?

I call this picture "Nearer My God to Thee". A rare occasion: I took an adequate picture and named it.

I like St. Paul's Hill for a simple reason: the church is fraught with memories of the past, and I love to dwell in that atmosphere. It's not sulty nor depressing, it's somehow... filling.

The tree where Mr. Parameswara sat and saw a kancil kicked his dog's ass.

That's because his dog was retarded, the kancil wasn't smart.

The nicest looking shop at Jonker Street. Apparently you'll see a lot of Jonker Galleries there, franchises I think.

People queuing up for chicken rice balls. The line was as long as the Krispy Kreme line.

By the way...

DO NOT EAT KRISPY KREME. I repeat, DO NOT EAT. Sweet like hell, damn expensive. I prefer Big Apple. Anyway it makes no difference 'cause I'm tired of doughnuts.

Clinique sent their handsome, tall and fair dermatologist (with superb skin) to give us a talk on skincare.

Sam was the lucky model he selected. He applied cleanser, toner and moisturiser on Sam's hand till you see 1 black fist and 1 one white fist.

By the bye, skincare is a unisex thing. Having oily and pimple-infested face does not make you macho. Seriously, no hetero girl or homo guy likes a guy who does not wash his face.

Mary baked her signature brownies (omg choco-liciously yummy).
Chieh, Caryn and I bought some Krispy fuckingly-sweet Kreme doughnuts.
Deidre brought Beryl's chocolates.

It was a farewell party for Ms. Mel, on our last class together. *sob* Gonna miss her.

And... on Tuesday... in Kinokuniya...

'The Graveyard Book' by Neil Gaiman. Looks like a children's book but... who cares?! It's good. Or so I heard. The cover looks nice enough.

P/S: Parent-lecturer day, daddy couldn't come. So, I'm still alive. =D

1 comment:

CalvinBoey said...

citizen very good leh.. of coz not like the overated rolex lar.. i have been using my solar powered citizen for few years ady. severe scratch marks on the glass (coz i rough mar..) but watch still functioning well.