Saturday, May 9

What I Really Am

Forgot when was the last time I opened the 5S2 folder of picture files.

Along with the pictures I took, I collected a few from the others. A lot of 'gay porn' (a collection, to be precise).

By the way, check out 5 Science-2, the class' official blog. Expect a plethora of 'nice' pictures, exaggerations, bull shits and cherished memories ^^

Just watched 'Elizabeth: The Golden Age'.

It got me thinking about a few things...

Elizabeth I, otherwise known as the Virgin Queen, was not immortalised because of her outstanding beauty. In fact, there were hardly records of her being regarded as a beauty of her time.

I think Cate Blanchett portrayed Elizabeth I very well. Not that Blanchett is not pretty, she's actually one of the most elegant actresses, I believe.

Many people associate Elizabeth I with power, feminism, abstinence and elegance. But never beauty. The question arises, just as Mary Stuart asked in the movie, "They call her The Virgin Queen. Why is that, sir? Can it be that no man will have her? "

Is physical beauty that important? Or was it her intelligence and the power she possessed that stopped suitors from courting her?

The unseen poem given to us during the semester exam was Shakespeare's 'My Mistress' Eyes are Nothing Like the Sun'. My interpretation was that the persona, although disgusted by his mistress' ugliness, yet he loves her dearly. The theme, I thought, was true love is not based on physical beauty.

Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If looks are really that important, I think 1/3 of the women in the world need plastic surgery.

Somehow it's either their eyes are too small, waists are too broad, faces are too thin, boobs are too tiny. There is a defect somewhere. As for the guys, it involves almost the same problems. This and there.

I think it's good to be an intelligent girl. I like being the teachers' or lecturers' pet. Not as in a loyal dog, but like a favourite student. I guess that owes to me seeking more attention.

What is wrong with being intelligent and more powerful than your other partner? Does it put them off or something, low self-esteem perhaps?

Tell me I'm a smart girl and I'll say, "Thank you."
Tell me I'm a pretty girl and I'll say, "Are you sure I'm that girl you're talking about?"
Tell me I have nice legs and I'll say, "Oh, you notice?"

See, I'm still a little perasan. I did admit that I'm not pretty, and you can say that in my face if you are rude enough. But you can't say I'm stupid and have ugly legs.

If I don't want to stay single till 50, I better book myself a good plastic surgeon now. Since my eyes are too small, cheeks too puffy, face too fat and mouth too big for some guys.

1 comment:

CalvinBoey said...

God made us perfect in His image. Amen.