Friday, August 3

Hold Me and Love Me

Semester has started and it's miserable. 

That was the Authorship hangover talking. Lethargy, every single hour of the day. It feels as if I used up all my brain juice for this year just on passing Authorship. 

Already jotted down assignment due dates in the academic timetable for this semester, not that it's a comforting thought. An assignment due each week from week 4 till week 11. Not sure if it's better than last semester, when there was a week with 3 near-50% assignments due. 

Then again, it's pretty normal. Happens every semester. I will survive.

I hope. Fervently so.

I need a more balanced life: study smart, play hard. So far the general impression is that I study too much. The parental units, however, beg to differ. To avoid the disapproving faces, you tell them that you're going out (keyword is tell, not ask) and run. 

I strongly discourage this though as this will give parents the impression that you don't respect or love them.

But what to do? It's difficult to go out, especially to ber-dating, due to the vehement disapproval of my choice of a boyfriend. Also, there comes the issue of taking this affair too seriously.

In their context, that can only mean 2 things:
  • The fear of it becoming sexual.
  • The fear of me becoming the runaway daughter.
Firstly, as naive as it sounds, I don't think sexual intimacy is a central element in a romantic relationship. By saying that it is will just give people allowance to leave their partners just because he/she is frigid in bed or for being prudish. So what if someone wants to wait till marriage? And even so, do people get married just to have sex the morally and religiously accepted way? 

Sexual intimacy, for me, is a bonus. If it's good then fine, if it isn't then fine. If you do have it now then fine, if you don't that's not a big problem. 

Secondly, I'm too much of a coward to run away. And too poor too. 'nuff said.

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