Monday, September 10

Things that I do for... people

I tend to think I'm this strong woman, that I can go through shit and still emerge unscathed. 

Not only that. I thought I can make a lot of sacrifices and still feel... whole? 

The only person who verbally confirmed this was Edmund. In fact, he never said that about me until everything was over. The last few things he said to me sounded something like, "Be happy. You're a strong girl. You can do it. You'll be fine."

But I've never felt so vulnerable before. 

Perhaps it's because our tempers are so alike. It's quite obvious that there is tension in the air, we act like we're both alright but we're both  dying or suffering inside. Or at least I was. 

I still think I can go through shit and emerge unscathed, stronger than ever. Just not when shit concerns him and us. 

This is not just like a roller coaster ride. It's just bloody bipolar. I experience extreme happiness and at the same time feel extremely morose. I think this is how one should feel, kan? When you're so-called really 'in love'?

Omg so cliche I can't tahan. 


This 'love' business is bloody difficult. I think I can handle this. 

I can.

I was alright a while ago, right after talking to CF. Not now, though. 

Yea I think I can handle this. 

Things I do for love, people, people I love. For him. For Shafiq. Fiq. 

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