Saturday, July 14

Randomisation #10

I noticed a trend: I always blog at night.

Not that it matters to anyone. Just a random fun fact for anyone who cares.

Decorative bouquet made from condoms, only in Cabbages & Condoms.
So this is how it feels like to feel terrible, after you wronged someone and you're afraid things will end. This must be the exact mixture of emotions he felt after he hung up on me because he was upset. Nah. I don't think he felt that bad. 

Well, to be fair, I was really harsh. That wasn't necessary. It was as if I were lecturing a kid.

When I told the parental units about this affair (I shan't use the word 'relationship', for fear it may reduce the mother to tears and the father to wrinkles of frowns. 'Affair' as in 'matter' but more delicate) between the boyfriend and I, I expected disapproval. Due to what I would term as erm, opposing religions. 

Naturally all religions are, in a subtle or aggressive sense, opposing. Obviously no religions allow its believers to convert out of it, but all religions welcome converts into it. 

It's a very Cina* (in the Malaysian sense lah) thing: money go out, cannot; money come in, can. 

*Yes, yes, I'm stereotyping. It's always the case that when you bash other races, that's racism; when you bash your own race, that's constructive criticism. Whatever lah. 

The infamous Pat Pong.
Every religion tells its believers that it is the one and only true path to righteousness and salvation. All you need to do is to subscribe to a certain set of dogmas and you shall find answers to this life and release in the afterlife, or advancing a step closer to salvation. Not that it's bad. Religious teachings and rules and tailored to the customs and morals of its country of origin, which is quite universal actually once you identify this underlying structure. 

Talk about structuralism. Hmm.

It's all the same, to name a few basic ones:
  • Women must be chaste, thus certain ways of presenting oneself are forbidden.
  • Consumption of certain food is forbidden, usually due to hygiene purposes.
  • Do good, do no evil.
So what differs? Different theistic figures, myths (or as they will tell you, facts) and the list of forbidden things. The scenarios I experienced amused me: the ex is not allowed to consume beef due to his Taoist beliefs (more specifically, the family's worship of the deity Guanyin); the boyfriend cannot consume pork and alcohol because he is a Muslim.

Anyway, back to the family disapproval. It seems to be every Malaysian non-Muslim parent's worry that their children might date and marry a Muslim. Simply because if the marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim is to be legally recognised in Malaysia, the non-Muslim partner must first convert into Islam. If I'm not mistaken, from the religious aspect, the non-Muslim partner should ideally convert as well so as not to be 'unequally yoked' by each other. Same goes to any other religion.

However, pada era globalisasi ini, this rule is quite lax. As long as they respect each other's religion, nobody minds if their partner is practising a different religion from theirs.

Cocoons. With yummy silk worms inside.
If we were to be more strict in the interpretation of the Qur'an, correct me if I'm wrong, a Muslim is only allowed to marry outside his/her faith provided that the partner is a Christian, Jew or of monotheistic faith. For Christians, I guess, you're allowed to marry any one as long as you lead them to Christ, or you don't stray from Christianity. Not sure about Buddhism and Hinduism though.

I digress. 

I expected disapproval, but not at such a great degree. It is really difficult for all of us, what with the parents worrying that I might stray from God (and the mother worries I might run away due to my defensiveness on the affair). On my side, I have to prove that I'm not putting more importance on this affair than on family relations. On his side, he has to deal with the frustration of us not being able to spend much time together: dahlah bekerja, weekend pun tak boleh berjumpa banyak sebab it's family day for me.

And... I sounded really harsh on the phone stressing the previous point: sacrifices have to be made if we want to continue seeing each other. 

I hope we'll pull through.

Because if this affair doesn't work out for the both of us...

... I'll be very upset, and sad, and hurt, and melancholic, and depressed. 

I am so not good with words, misusing and ignorant to the words' original meanings and appropriate usages.

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