Sunday, December 4

The Ogilvy Intern - #11 till #15

Words fail to express how glad I am that the 3rd week is gone. 

My mental self went on a crazy roller coaster ride this week because of Project B. Another factor is rapidKL.

People often think that an advertising agency is not doing well because they fail to come up with creative concepts and consumer-attracting advertisements. This is, to a certain extent, not true. Sometimes you get clients who just wanna screw up a perfect poster.

The client for Project B is one such. 

I. Hate. Them.

They just don't get it. Not only did their demanded changes screwed up the poster aesthetically, the underlying purpose of arranging the brand and the masthead as such was ignored. 


Management is extremely important. I recall the days I pulled my hair out hourly when studying for Introduction to Management, and now I see how it all totally made sense.

When there is a procedure in carrying out work, one should follow, and the superiors should enforce it. Especially when you're working in such a big company as to occupy 3 whole floors of a huge building. 

Got told off by someone from another floor because the team for Project B likes to skip procedures and conveniently leave out part of the team when sending job briefs. So yea, humiliated in front of the whole department. Geez.

Almost cried. 

Steamed egg, veg, egg, butter chicken, half a chicken chop and  hard-boiled egg = RM5

But nothing a good meal couldn't solve.  

I binge eat when I'm sad, angry, happy and bored. I pretty much eat ALL THE TIME. Now it's time to put off some weight. My butt is growing too big now. 

We all like to have lunch at Mama's Kitchen now. It's this restaurant serving mixed rice with dishes all around you. All sorts of meat and vegetable dishes, eggs and toufu. Best of all, it's cheap :)

I notice I eat like a kid. Natasha's plate is always full of veg; Farah's full of toufu and Kelly's plate looks like something my parents would eat but I will never.

Mine is all meat meat meat and more meat. 

June had a bad experience dining at Mama's Kitchen. She had diarrhea after eating their food and she found out that there were lots of cockroaches running around under the food containers. 


But, as my dad said, "The dirtier the place, the better the taste."

I'm starting get a hang of the whole process. It's all pretty straight forward. Check the deadline. Chase them art directors, studio artists, designers and copywriters. Pass the product around for the art directors, copywriters and executives to check. Send to output. Collect output. Check. And it's out. 

To reward me, June gave me a little freebie. 

May have missed the event, but at least I got somethin'.

This is 1 cool thingy.


The Johnnie Walker logo!!!


I'm such a kid. So easy to please. 

Forgot to blog about the Big Bad Wolf Aftermath Sales, so here imma show you the aftermath.

All for RM28. 

And yes that's the Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson there. For RM5. 

Be very jealous.

Ticket to Ride: Europe

Board games the day before results were released. 

Pretty satisfied with my core units' results. It's just the Gender Studies one, which I deserved it I guess.

From the boyfriend.

Will just go stuff myself with chocolates to ease my sorrow and pain.

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