Sunday, December 11

The Ogilvy Intern - A MONTH

Yes folks it's been a month with Ogilvy & Mather Advertising. 

Instead of complaining I will sum up the whole experience of these 5 days under lessons learnt.

Lessons learnt:

  • Have a cup of coffee before you start work.
  • Office politics.
  • The ability of speaking Hokkien fluently earns you many friends.
An advice from dad:

"You're just an intern. You are not expected to know everything. You are there to learn. While it is good to show that you're dedicated, willing to learn and obedient, don't try to take up all the responsibilities. When one thing goes wrong, it is not totally your fault. But learn from your mistakes and when in doubt, always ask."
It has come to the stage that when I leave early, I think about work.
Before I sleep, I think about work.
During sleep, I dream about work. 

Whether if this is expected of me, I sincerely have no idea. I think it's both a good and bad thing. Probably shows that I'm hardworking and dedicated... 

... and possibly stressed and perhaps need a vacation.

I'm keeping this post short and sweet so as not to overload you with the upcoming food reviews from.:


 Stay tuned peeps ;)

Photo credits to: K-Tuck and JoinMe

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