Monday, November 28

The Ogilvy Intern - #9 & #10

Leisha didn't enjoy the environment. 

Kelly and Leisha were talking about how I got the best team, the nicest colleagues and the relatively more comfortable workload. 

Initially I didn't complain. All I did was sit and wait for work, which rarely came especially when my supervisor was holidaying in California. 

But, as I told them, "Maybe the shitty part has yet to come."

Day #9 was the first busy day I had. Project A was due and the final artwork had to be submitted to the clients before noon. Ran up and down, alternating between the office and Studio because of mistakes spotted everytime a revised copy is printed. 

Had no idea how many papers we wasted.

Since Mr. A is on his annual leave, everything went to Mr. G, who is a cold icy figure that gives me the creeps as well. 

You'd expect art directors to be hip, hyper and total jokers but nooooooooooo not this lot. Then again, everyone should just drop the stereotyping, I should too.

I learned that sometimes you should just shut your mouth and not apply the new vocabulary you picked up. 

I admit that I'm cocky in the way that I like to show-off that I learned something, to prove that I'm a fast learner but *sigh* 

Here you just get weird looks and loud "huh?"s. 

Consider it a miracle that everything was done on time for Thursday *wipes sweat* *breathes*

Then come Friday. The worst I had. The shitty part. 

My supervisor was again on holiday. Project B had a rushed schedule, but not as horrible as Project C, which was manned by Kelly's team. Both happening simultaneously and both required Traffic so Andy, being the seasoned and experienced intern, manned Project C. I heard they stayed till 8pm that day.

Now what transpired for Project B really made me question if I'm an idiot or a retard. Ms. S from Action called to ask about Project B, she thought her team should get some brief regarding Project B's press advertisement. 

I ran to Ms. Su to enquire and passed the message, word for word, back to Ms. S. The latter sounded so confused and threw questions with foreign terms back at me. I repeated Ms. Su's reply and she sounded still at a loss. 

What I picked up these 2 weeks regarding POSM is that they usually refer it to a poster. There were questions regarding 'visual', 'still shoot', 'big idea' and I just... blanked out.

That was just the beginning.

Ms. Jo wanted the art director to get the poster done by 'the end of the day' and present it to clients before 11am on Tuesday. LT, the ever nice fellow, had it done earlier in the afternoon and placed it in the Studio's folder for further action. I was supposed to check the progress and found, to my greatest shock that people in the Studio didn't know there was work to do on Project B!!

Rushed back and told Andy, who called Ms. Jo and guess what. She forgot to issue a job brief to Studio. Of course they didn't know there's work to be done. It was 5.30pm. She rushed back to the office, printed out a new job brief for Studio.

Then, the real chaos happened.

T was pissed that a job brief came after office hours to them asking for a FA by early morning Tuesday. Voices were raised in the phone call with Mr. D and all I did was stood and stared. Not only was it too hectic, but Ms. Jo didn't even specify the size of the FA. 

But the mood mellowed when 1 of the people photoshopped their faces into a movie poster and everyone was laughing. I asked T, "By Tuesday?" He looked at the brief, turned his attention back to the object of mirth and said, "Tuesday."

So I was free to go, yet my mind was still troubled with the uncertainty regarding Ms. S' questions. What if she misunderstood? What if she's still confused? What if I sent the wrong message? What if I screwed the whole thing up?

What if I don't have any HDs for my exams?

HDs. Because I fared badly in Gender Studies that's why I'm desperate for them. I'm just really worried and a little shaken.

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