Sunday, November 20

The Ogilvy Intern - Day #4 & #5

The perks of interning in an advertising firm is that when it comes to food, you know what's coming out soon. 

And as an intern you fervently hope that the client will give you a bite or a sip. 

But of course, as goodies are limited they only go to the staffs or big bosses, not to us poor little people. 

Andy souvenir.
Yea we get all those nonsense things, those cheap things, things that people don't want.

Poor interns.

Anyway that's a gift from Jess to Andy. Had no idea what was going through her head.

On Thursday I was forced by Jess to go mamak during office hours. Apparently, I can't say no to the more 'senior' interns :/

Felt so out of place because there were 5 of us at the same table and halfway through a roti canai everyone started smoking.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against smokers. I just felt really awkward. 

The scenario was like this:

Mr. D: *puffs smoke*
Mr. V: *puffs smoke*
Andy: *puffs smoke*
Jess: *puffs smoke*
Me: *look here look there fidget* oh hmm well... nice morning isn't it?
Mr. D: *stares*
Mr. V: *stares*
Andy: *stares*
Jess: *blows smoke in my direction*


Finally had some work to do. It's simple work and I'm not complaining! I'm really glad I had something to do, even if it's just pulling out relevant advertisements from the newspapers.

Lunch :D
It was my supervisor's last day before she goes on her annual holiday. Holidaying in California, how envious I am. 

So now I report to Andy. 

Far from indignant, quite the contrary actually, I'm rather happy that it's Andy! I mean, we've been sitting at the same place for a week, so a fair share of 'bonding' should make him a pleasant supervisor for me.

And he's an intern. He knows the 'pain' we interns go through, he'll be nicer to me :D

Very thankful to Mr. E because he's one of the few senior staffs who were willing to teach and involve me in work procedures. 

Just when I thought to myself, "I must work hard! I must prove myself! I must show them I'm just as capable as anybody in this office" bad things happened...

Instead of stamping 'Received', which I ought to... I stamped 'Submitted'. 


There goes 1 brownie point.

Farah and Leisha had a sucky day on Friday. Miscommunication, some staff venting her PMS on them. For me, it was a relatively good day. I had actual work to do, I enjoyed it.

Best of all I didn't need to engage with Mr. A, he on leave xD

My weekends are packed with the long-promised dates with old friends and coursemates I hardly had time to catch up with the movies in my hard disk or even read the books I bought from Big Bad Wolf.

And I'm going for the Aftermath sale this Thursday.

Celebrated Edmund's belated birthday yesterday with the zainans, those future engineers, psychologist, chef and the lawyer Chieh. 

Intended to stay home because I was out forever but since I missed the previous hang-out session with CF, Steph and the gang... I sacrificed my ritual Sunday nap for CF.

And she brought us to Meeples (above Face to Face restaurant in SS15, Subang Jaya). 

Meeples is every boardgame lover's heaven. 

For those who love playing Monopoly, Game of Life, Cluedo and Risk!, this is the place you'd like to check out.

They have hundreds and almost a thousand types of boardgames in store. Unless you're a hardcore aficionado of boardgames, it's highly unlikely that you'll know any of the titles.

None of them ring any bells *ding dong*

The staffs are really friendly. First-timers like us were at a loss, overwhelmed by the different and foreign boardgames available on the shelves. Just approach a staff and ask for their help, they'll gladly recommend some boardgames to you and they'll even teach you how to play!

We played a total of 4 games today. 

Pirates and treasures!
First on the table was 'Jamaica'. 

If you're in for something that involves war strategies and racing (as well as a big fan of Pirates of the Carribean :) oh and any pirate-related novels), this is the game for you.

Personally, this was my favourite. I especially like the part where you can go to war with your fellow players. 

So many things to consider: food supply, gun powder, gold, hidden treasures, moving forward and finishing the game! Opportunity costs.

Say Anything!
'Say Anything' is probably the best sleepover game you can have. 

A must-have.

All you have to do is to be creative. A question is asked and the players will have to come up with the most creative answer. The player asking the question will secretly choose his or her favourite answer, and the other players will place bets on which answer is the favourite.

Questions asked include: which historical figure would you date, name a movie that best describes your life, what would you do if you had a day as the opposite sex... 

Go wild with your answers!

Panic Tower!
To play this game, make sure your neighbours are fine with you screaming and shouting.

A nostalgic piece of game that resembles Uno Stacko of our childhood years, this is a more challenging and exciting game to play. 

The best thing about Panic Tower is that, there is no limited number of players!

As the title suggests.
Finally, it was 'You Must Be an Idiot'!

Probably the type of family game that is also educational. Tends to be a little messy. It's like the boardgame version of 'Mafia', where players are supposed to guess who is the idiot. 

General knowledge questions are asked, all the players are supposed to answer correctly, save for the one who got the 'idiot' card. When answers are revealed, players place bets on who is the idiot and then the identities are revealed.

Meeples is also a cafe, so, enjoy your boardgames with light snacks and chilled drinks. It's like the best hang-out and de-stress place to be.

Check out their game list and why not visit them this holiday? :)

64-1, Jalan SS15/4D,
47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.

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