Wednesday, November 16

The Afterlife - Life + Ogilvy

Dah lama tak update. Harap maaf ya. 

Hello y'all :) 

Year 1 was officially over on 3rd Nov 3.30pm. The marks for the Gender Studies elective I took was out too. I shall admit that it was really disappointing. 

Nevertheless, it's a lesson learned. As for the unit itself, I must say it was really an eye-opener kind of unit. 

Then again, all the Arts units are like that, aren't they? 

To be honest, I don't find that the case for INT2. Shh don't tell Dr. J. 

That's us. The ARTsy people.

Has no idea who this is. But she looks like a Papaya.
Very much looking forward to Year 2. 

The only thing regret is that... well... we Journalism major/minor students won't be having ChinHuat as a lecturer anymore :(

Will be missing his tutorials loads and heaps and mountains and valleys and oceans. 

As per the title, post-exam life is the afterlife for me. Since I've been missing out on the movies and the socialising part of life, I'm determined to catch up with this lofty, sentimental and subjective thing we call 'life'.

My contributions to the box office went to these 2 movies, with no regrets.

'Tintin' was this little fragment of my childhood. Cousin Gaby used to buy me 'Tintin' comic books but I was too young to understand or even recall what the stories were. So dazzled by the graphics. 

'You are the Apple of My Eye' ('那些年,我们一起追的女孩') has this really beautiful plot and storyline. The beauty of it is not in how interesting or how predictable the story is; it's in how you could point at each character and say, "Hey... that's like Tom/Dick/Harry from my class!" There's also the sense of nostalgia because it's everyone's high school memory. There were the girls and there were the boys, there were the naughty ones and there were the talks of sex. Then there's you, somewhere. 

Along with catching up with this 'life' thing... I got myself into something more... 

... professional.

Red. Must be Cina man company.

Guess who's the new intern in Ogilvy Malaysia?

Yours truly :)

1 of the new interns, at least. 4 more from Monash! Farah, Leisha, Natasha and Kelly. 

It's exciting to finally get to see what happens in the industry, as well as what happens behind the scenes of those funny TV commercials and appetising advertisements. 

My fellow intern, Andy from HELP, was so nice to teach me how things run around here. There's the meeting with clients where ideas were taken, followed by the planning, then off to the studio, the product is then sent to the Creative team and copywriters for editing and checking until they're satisfied, finally the presentation to clients. Client happy, we happy, we do the output aka your billboards, full page ads and TVCs.

Now what's all these? 

Freebies x)

Came in at the right time we did. Ogilvy Malaysia was celebrating their 50th anniversary. Goody bag was filled with  Nestle yummies, an Ogilvy card and CD. Mug was given by boss' PA. 

To keep this blog alive, I've decided I shall 'report' my interning days, which according to Leisha, only about 45 days. 

Day #1
  • Assigned to the Traffic team, which makes me a Trafficker, I think?
  • Attended the first corporate meeting in my life waliao it felt like I'm really doing something, so proud of myself. 
  • Boss' PA Ms. C bought us donashi from Big Apple. She said, "Don't be shy, we always have food here."
  • 1 of my colleagues is a Monash Clayton alumni :D Business student he is, very the smart.
  • Got... nothing to do. 
Day #2
  • Found out that the team's job is to make sure people get the correct instructions and documents. 
  • So... this means that a large part of my job requires the memorising of names and stations. Who sits where and who does what. 
  • Andy brought me on a tour and oh gosh there's a mini bar this is awesome pawsome the place looked like some show house.
  • Ms. C bought us marshmallows. 
  • Met a certain Mr. A... who is very much like our own Dr. A. Equally as creepy. 
  • Sort them freebies into the Ogilvy goody bags. 
Day #3
  • Did 2 rounds of running up and down. More names and stations to remember. 
  • More food to come, Ms. C bought us char siew paos. She's such a sweetie. 
  • Noticed that people here are seriously really literally young at heart. I LOVE IT.
I think that's all?

Oh yes.

Coloured bodycon skirts are in!
From mango+Orangie :) 

If you share with me this mild obsession with vintage accessories, cotton-candy coloured clothings and a penchant for the simple but sophisticated, then you'll love MangOrangie! Great quality and the owners are really friendly and helpful. 

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