Wednesday, November 23

The Ogilvy Intern - #6 till #8

What do you do in a crowded bus?

Besides watching ridiculous cartoons like 'Upin & Ipin' on the flatscreen TV, you usually slip into deep thoughts. 

My days of staring at people's legs. 

The awkward moment when a tall man stands in front of you and you're staring into his crotch, or a short lady and you're staring at her boobs.

I like to imagine 'what if' situations. With my MP3 player screaming at my eardrums, the public spaces becomes a private one and start thinking.

"What if we weren't together?"

"What if I didn't take this job?"

"What if my results deteriorated?"

"What if I see him?"

"What if Justin Bieber gets run over by this bus?"

Yeah. Trolling in the deep.

Experienced some intense office politics these few days. 

Like what Kelly said, "When you keep quiet and sit in a corner, you'll find out a lot of things."

First time seeing the Managing Partner attending our meetings. He's a big hoohaa, if you must know. 

I'm sure we all notice this thing Asians have for angmohs. It seems that all the angmohs here are CEOs and MDs or occupying some high-and-mighty positions.

Being an European or American, and especially being a white man, is like an advantage when seeking jobs in Asia. You're bound to get some high-and-mighty position.

However, having said that, this Managing Partner certainly has amazing qualifications. *cough* Oxford *cough cough*

Sometimes I really want to participate in the copywriters' jobs but... oh well I'm only just a university student.

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