Saturday, October 15

I'm Coming Home (:

This blog has been left to rot for too long.

Chin Huat asked us to preview our other blogs in class, so embarrassing to show that the last update was what... last year? 3 months ago? I don't know.

So embarrassing to let them see the puerile things I write here. I shall grow up.

So anyway.

Would love to recommend my friend and esteemed classmate's blog, Joel Wong's blog. You guys probably would have read it, or at least heard of it.

Also, would like to ask you guys to check out my Journalism blog, if you want some serious stuff.

Last but not least, do check out this piece, by yours truly :)

My 2nd attempt at feature, but the first one to be actually reviewed by a professional journalist. Introducing to you, my mentor, Dorian Merina.

*whispers* he's the one who wrote 'Migration'!!! xD

Now. Back to my Gender Studies assignment :) cheerios.

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