Friday, May 15

Feel Your Halo

What am I doing?

I've been doing everything except studying. My present mode does not allow me to do heavy studying (which means, studying heavy subjects, like Economics and Maths). All I could do was lie on the sofa and read 'Jane Eyre', some notes from SparkNotes (very good notes) and 'Wide Sargasso Sea'.

And of course, glued my eyes on HBO, Cinemax and Star Movies (thank God for these channels).

I'm through with juicy-looking vampires. Werewolves can be hot as well, you know. This movie reverses the 'Twilight' helpless character role to the guys. Makes me like it even more.

There is a reason for the Aztecs to regard chocolates as the food of the gods. Such pleasure it is to let the milky chocolate melt in your mouth whilst reading a novel, although its 19th century sentences often cause migraines.

After the novels comes the poems (oh wee~ my new love, Christina Georgina Rossetti). Then, the paper, I hope there's a question about feminism and oppression. I need at least a B for Literature.

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