Sunday, May 17

Always Gonna Wanna Make it Move

Most of Miley Cyrus' songs aren't my cup of tea. The only song I listened to was '7 things', but soon tire of it.

Now I'm suffering from infatuation towards 'The Climb'.

I think it's a song everyone can relate to, and it's very true.

There will always be obstacles, and you'll always wanna get over it. Usually it's the reward behind the obstacle that motivates you, but the ultimate prize comes from the process of overcoming the obstacle.

This morning I went to Q Bistro for breakfast.

I thought Steven's Corner is the posh-est mamak restaurant in Malaysia.

I've never seen a mamak restaurant with sofas and wallpaper, serving food at the normal price range. By the way, RM 3.50 for a plate of mee goreng is considered cheap these days in KL.

They serve spaghetti bolognaise, mushroom soup and butterscotch coke (I think it'll taste weird). My tongue says that they serve the best roti pisang.

Never defy the tongue.

By the way...

Happy 1st Anniversary
Lovely couple
God bless the both of you
Be sure to care for one another ^^

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