Thursday, May 14

The Song in the Car

叶老师说过: “女人… 要走的是你,要留的也是你。”

尤其是现在 duntoi 他们开启了一个 5S2 的 blog,令我更怀念中学时光。我想念以前班上吵吵闹闹的环境,男生们互相强吻的历史性镜头… 当我们 “开会”时,有种万众一心的感觉。

悄悄而生的 — 家的感觉。

扬不知去了哪里读 matriculation。
3 个 duntoi 去了靠近坟墓区的 Nottingham 读书。
一大班人跑去 Cochrane 读 Sec 6。
其余的分散到不同的 college 读 foundation 和 A-Levels。




Pn. Yeap said, "Woman... you're the one who wants to move on, you're also the one who wants to linger."

After the duntoi gang created the 5S2 blog, I began to miss my secondary school days so much more. I miss the cacophonous vibe, historical scenes of guys "molesting" guys... when there were "meetings", there was a sort of togetherness.

The soundless configuration of the homely ambience.

ChinYang went to another part of Malaysia to study matriculation.
The 3 duntois are studying in the graveyard area of Nottingham.
A huge bunch of people are now in Sec 6.
The others dispersed to various colleges to study foundation and A-Levels.

My mind couldn't help but wander to the time when each of us flies to the other end of the world, and asks the question: will we be as closely-knitted as now?

The first semester comes to an end. We graduated for quite some time.

Miss you all......

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