Sunday, July 10

Yellow ;)

So yesterday was the Bersih 2.0 rally.

I must say I regret not going. I was a coward and I admit it.

Felt so proud and blessed reading #bersihstories on Twitter. I've always supported the concept of 1Malaysia and, as many others agreed, never seen it happen in such a grand scale.

Asked tis old couple why they r in d rally. "I walked for my children" So heart-warming. D real heroes of Malaysia! 
 you don't care the color of the hand holding yours as you help each other out of a cloud of teargas. 
Thanks heaps to all d helpful men tat helped women to climb over fences. They r really gentlemen. Heroes of Msia.  
"Here bro,take my hand,hold tight,whatever happened,we must protect the women behind us" @ T.S Hospital when we're surrounded  
 When hit by tear gas, Malay helping Chinese, vice versa! This brotherhood shown truly touching!
TQ to two Chinese guys who pulled me away frm teargas canister&rub a pinch of salt into my mouth as I was completely stunned.  
 Kudos to KFC Puduraya for allowing us to wash out faces after getting blasted by tear gas again and again!!!
Just to list a few. Inspiring.

I have never felt prouder as a Malaysian. To know that I live in a country with people who are brave enough to stand up for what they believe in, that racial and religious backgrounds can be put aside to fight for a just cause.

Even prouder when I see news and photos of Bersih 2.0 rallies all around the world.

For me, patriotism and unity never shined so bright in Malaysia as it did in KL yesterday, submerged in a yellow sea of people, clouded by tear gas and bathed in blue dye.

God has been so great ;)

Results are out. I was at the lingerie section waiting for Hanny, checking out the laces and silks when the phone buzzed. Saw the alien phone number and the words ATS 1328, I froze. Didn't even care to look at the grades, just blindly jumping there and howling "Imma die imma die imma die" in front of Edmund and the whole KL.

Eventually I calmed down and read the list:

Media Studies -- Distinction
Contemporary Worlds 1 -- High Distinction
Journalism 1 -- Distinction
Introduction to Management -- Distinction

How did I get a D for Management? How? I just refused to believe that it's the actual results and called Hanny when she was in the fitting room. On the way home, still dazed and in denial, rang Steph up to confirm the genuineness of the SMS results.

And thank God and all grace goes to Him, it's real.

He. Is the reason why I live.

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