Monday, September 13

My Poor Leg

Damien bought new games for me to play on his Wii.

'Alice in Wonderland', the Tim Burton version.

He knows most of the Wii games we have are gender-biased (towards his sex, of course), hence he decided to be a good brother and buy some games for me.

He even bought this for me. I'm a sucker for the series (personally, I like Australia's most, Alice Burdeu omg). Such a sweet brother I have.

Anyway, the topic is my leg.

In Muar, we had a BBQ party at grandma's house. Since they don't have a proper BBQ kit, they built BBQ pits out of bricks -- somewhat like mini altars. Charcoals were poured into the pits and lighted, wire gauzes was placed above it.

Being the cousin sister my babies adore (it's so true), they came to me, asking me politely to help them BBQ the bacons, the sausages, the chicken wings, etc.

And so I walked back and forth from the pits, sometimes crisscrossing between them. Then, at that fateful moment...

I scratched my leg on the wire gauze. The scorching hot wire gauze.

When it happened I just felt a tinge of pain, an amalgamation of heat and an ant bite. I looked at my leg and it looked fine under the dim light. After a while, I saw 5 distinct pink scratches. Then the pink darkened into vermillion, then crimson.

Only then did I uttered 'ouch', and limped my way into the house to wash the wound.

My sensitive wound only permits me to wear flip flops and Japanese slippers.


I've been watching 'The Tudors' lately. Yes, I ditched 'Gossip Girls' season 3 for the man with 6 wives and countless mistresses. However, rest assured my affection for Chuck Bass will remain unchanged.

All I can say about the series is:
  • If you're a guy, you'll wish you're Henry VIII.
  • If you're like me, you'll love Natalie Dormer's portrayal of Anne Boleyn.
  • If you're a guy, you'll definitely love it.
P/S: Aaah. What TV series shall I indulge in next?

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