Saturday, May 23

Tagged by Mel

(Choose either YES or NO. Do NOT add any choices or write your own answer. You may write additional information to explain your answer after you choose YES or NO.)

This Is For:
- Terence (since you wanna do English tag)
- Jia Tern (tag buddy wahaha)
- Jsen

1) Post frequently? - Yes

2) Like music? - No, LOVE music.

3) Like school? - Yes, and miss it.

4) Like studying? - Literature, yes.

5) Active in sociality? - Yes

6) Physically fit? - Erm, I don't know.

7) Happy with the way you look? - Not really

8) Content with your friend circle? - Yes

9) Talented? - Yes, so does everyone.

10) Dreaming big? - Yes

11) Dream of people you know a lot? - Yes

12) Love someone? - No, somepeople.

13) IN love? - No, OUT love. Wtf, always in love.

14) Considering progress/achievement? - Yes

15) Feel depression without someone? - Err... depends which person you mean.

16) Feel happy with someone around? - Again, it depends who.

17) Feel the way things are now is right? - No!! That Literature paper, no...!!

18) Feel you make a difference? - Yes, without me daddy and mommy will suffer =D

19) Feel you matter to those who matter to you? - Some of them.

20) Feel that they love you in return? - Again, some of them.

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