Friday, May 22

I'm in Love With a Fairytale

Omg you must listen to Alexander Rybak's 'Fairytale'.

No wonder he won the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, with a new record of 387 points.

And he looks so cute~!!

Argh!! Cute betul!!

The lyrics are simple and sweet, oh wow if they have his album here in Malaysia I'll buy it. I heard they're only going into the European market.




Anybody with relatives in Europe who can help me buy it?

Watched this video in Lim May-Zhee's blog. I think the people who proposed such an MV are very creative. The actresses are very daring.

Then again, that is Paris. Maybe it's a normal thing? Lol, the male passerby seems to be shocked.

Enjoy the video!!

Congratulations to my dear Fify and his beloved
All the best in life to the both of you
In all the ups and downs that you guys may face
Be each other's beacon and get through the storm

P/S: Oh shit I'm supposed to be doing the past year questions and now they're laying there, half done. Shit shit shit.

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