Tuesday, May 12

How to Be Fine When I'm Not

Had a fight with Damien because he's been treating us all very rudely, cursing us at times like, "Go die la!". It's like he thinks he is the boss at home and everyone should bow to his every will.

I told myself that it is a phase. Everyone goes through it.

We were all foolish once. He will be foolish, for some time.

But I really cannot tolerate his behaviour towards mommy and daddy. How he takes advantage of mommy's good mood and ignore her instructions, how he cries in front of daddy to make him go soft.

Maybe it's time for a talk.

P/S: Been thinking about taking Law instead of Journalism after A-Levels. Should I? I need advice. Or should I study Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic history?


CalvinBoey said...

yesterday i went to a legal firm to help with photo shooting. those lawyers are really rich (i think, based on their look). they even have coat racks in their room.

why not?

JOLYNN said...

Hey chill~
Have a talk with him will feel more better.
No harm!:)