Last year during Majlis Restu, I cried like a baby when I hugged her. She teased me in front of my juniors, saying, "She's crying so much now 'cause she's leaving. But she'll come back, she'll come back..."
And I did. 4 months ago I left SMKTC, yesterday was the 4th time I visited. It's as if I never left.
Maybe they're tired of me already.
My purpose of going back:
- visit my drama chums
- eat
- throw some discipline teachers into the water
I didn't dunk him (I'm a good friend, aren't I), I just stood, watched and cheered. Perhaps Jer was being a little masochistic yesterday, he wanted me to dunk him twice.
Because I refused, he hugged Grace and I in his wet shirt. Eww eww eww. Even threatened to not lend me the Artemis Fowl books!!
What you get from being a good friend huh.
Since I love him so much, and owe my A1 in Add Maths to him... surely I won't dunk him, yet I wanna see him wet (bwahahaha). I'll leave the dirty job to TongChing and Isaac.
Because he's the Senior Assistant of Student Affairs, the prefects set the line a little further away, increasing the difficulty. See... teachers enjoy more rights.
Then I went for Mel's class' burger. I think I can fry a prettier looking egg. They dismantled my egg!! And I think they added soy sauce, which tasted weird. I should have waited till Mel take hold of the pan.
Wanted to go to the ghost house, but the line's too long and I'm a tad impatient.
Wandered around till I found Pn. Lim. Got a free rice ball from Iven. Saw the supermodel Teresa.
Students from a dance school came to perform hip hop and latin dances. There were these 5 year old kids who danced hip hop, one of them did the windmill and omg they were so cute!! Chieh and I were screaming from the beginning.
Comparing Alpha Crew's suave dance moves to the kids' clumsy ones...
I PREFER THE KIDS (just can't resist kids).
Reminds me of the 'N Sync song, God Must Have Spent A Little More Time on You.
Whilst talking to the girls ('cause the guys only know how to bully I just had to save them), I found we share something in common.

Fried of my bosom, thou more than a brother,
Why wert not thou born in my father's dwelling!
Why wert not thou born in my father's dwelling!
Charles Lamb
P/S: I have an unsatiable craving for spaghetti and pasta lately. Never got tired of it, instead I want more.
P/P/S: Carmen showed us a poem by E. E. Cummings and now I love his poems.
Happy 17th Birthday to Jer & Rob
Yes you're older, now go learn how to drive
God bless you two
Yes you're older, now go learn how to drive
God bless you two
P/P/S: Carmen showed us a poem by E. E. Cummings and now I love his poems.
Speaks a lot. Ok I gotta study Economics now. Trials start tomorrow, ciao~
1 comment:
Those pics r fabulous haha~
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