Sunday, April 12

We Can Rule the World

I think Pn. Lim was right. In fact, she always is.

Last year during Majlis Restu, I cried like a baby when I hugged her. She teased me in front of my juniors, saying, "She's crying so much now 'cause she's leaving. But she'll come back, she'll come back..."

And I did. 4 months ago I left SMKTC, yesterday was the 4th time I visited. It's as if I never left.

Maybe they're tired of me already.

SMKTC's first carnival ever~

My purpose of going back:
  • visit my drama chums
  • eat
  • throw some discipline teachers into the water
Jer on the dunking machine!!

I didn't dunk him (I'm a good friend, aren't I), I just stood, watched and cheered. Perhaps Jer was being a little masochistic yesterday, he wanted me to dunk him twice.

Because I refused, he hugged Grace and I in his wet shirt. Eww eww eww. Even threatened to not lend me the Artemis Fowl books!!

What you get from being a good friend huh.

Our favourite Add Maths teacher on the dunking machine!!

Since I love him so much, and owe my A1 in Add Maths to him... surely I won't dunk him, yet I wanna see him wet (bwahahaha). I'll leave the dirty job to TongChing and Isaac.

Because he's the Senior Assistant of Student Affairs, the prefects set the line a little further away, increasing the difficulty. See... teachers enjoy more rights.

James promoting his class' cendol. It's good, seriously. But I prefer more gula melaka.

Then I went for Mel's class' burger. I think I can fry a prettier looking egg. They dismantled my egg!! And I think they added soy sauce, which tasted weird. I should have waited till Mel take hold of the pan.

Wanted to go to the ghost house, but the line's too long and I'm a tad impatient.

Wandered around till I found Pn. Lim. Got a free rice ball from Iven. Saw the supermodel Teresa.

Students from a dance school came to perform hip hop and latin dances. There were these 5 year old kids who danced hip hop, one of them did the windmill and omg they were so cute!! Chieh and I were screaming from the beginning.

Comparing Alpha Crew's suave dance moves to the kids' clumsy ones...

I PREFER THE KIDS (just can't resist kids).

Damien had a birthday party yesterday evening. The dude is turning 12 this Tuesday (the fateful day I sit for my first Law paper).

His chums. Made from testosterones, vulgar language, football and Lady GaGa.

What I don't understand: we're both from the same parents, why does he get chicks and I don't get any cute guys?!

Reminds me of the 'N Sync song, God Must Have Spent A Little More Time on You.

I'm a good sister, I made him pick out the candles using his mouth.

Aika (yes, she's Japanese, go fantasise) and Jolynn, beauty with brains. Don't play play.

Whilst talking to the girls ('cause the guys only know how to bully I just had to save them), I found we share something in common.

We love camwhoring. This picture, entitled 'Emo', shows different kinds of emo. Go figure.

Oh gosh we should be sisters! Imagine what we could do...

Fried of my bosom, thou more than a brother,
Why wert not thou born in my father's dwelling!

Charles Lamb

P/S: I have an unsatiable craving for spaghetti and pasta lately. Never got tired of it, instead I want more.

Happy 17th Birthday to Jer & Rob
Yes you're older, now go learn how to drive
God bless you two

P/P/S: Carmen showed us a poem by E. E. Cummings and now I love his poems.



Speaks a lot. Ok I gotta study Economics now. Trials start tomorrow, ciao~

1 comment:

Jolynn said...

Those pics r fabulous haha~